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Bleeding while brushing teeth is a sign of gum disease, a condition linked to the development of Alzheimer’s disease

bonyf supports the slogan “Treat your gums” from the European Federation of Periodontology (EFP) for Gum Health Day on 12 May 2022 with PerioTabs®, a new generation home-based treatment that restores gums to a healthy state.

Ghent (Belgium), 10 May 2022, 8:00am; bonyf NV (Mnemonic: MLBON), the next generation oral comfort expert, supports International Gum Health Day 2022 and warns about the importance of treating bleeding gums, a widespread condition known to be linked to the development of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.
Every year on 12 May, a worldwide awareness campaign is organized by the European Federation of Periodontology (“EFP”), called “Gum Health Day”. This day aims to inform on the importance of health consequences of gum disease, including gingivitis, periodontitis, peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis, on both oral and general health. The EFP is a leading NGO representing more than 16,000 dental professionals worldwide. Gum Health Day stresses the importance of prevention and effective treatment of gum disease.
Bleeding gums is the most common disease in the world, affecting at least 75% of the population. Gum diseases are chronic infections that can cause tooth loss and other problems in the mouth. It is caused by the accumulation of microorganisms on the gum line (including bacteria, fungi and viruses). The microorganisms can enter the bloodstream and spread to other parts of the body, including lungs, heart, kidneys and brain. This can accelerate and aggravate serious health issues such as diabetes, heart problems, kidney disease and even Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. Hence the importance of preventative measures and early treatment of gum disease to ensure good overall health.
Several recent research studies have shown mechanisms by which gum infections can affect the brain. When gums become infected and brushing or flossing takes places, it often causes gums to bleed. Oral bacteria, in particular a bacteria called Porphyromonas Gingivalis, can enter the bloodstream where bleeding occurs and travel from the mouth to the brain. This can damage brain tissue.
Research has also shown that 99.9% of toothbrushes are contaminated with bacteria, viruses and fungi. Toothbrushes can be “reservoirs” for disease-causing bacteria that can potentially enter the bloodstream when brushing. This is more common when gums bleed.
In order to provide an effective response to these significant risks, the bonyf R&D team has developed an innovative 10-day brushing treatment solution that can restore gum health.
“We have developed a unique new concept to improve the inflammation and bleeding of gums, based on a 10-day brushing solution,” explains the company’s CEO, Mr Jean-Pierre Bogaert. “Our clinical studies clearly indicate that brushing for 10 days with our PerioTabs® gum brushing solution reduces gum bleeding, inflammation and restores gums to a healthy state. People with gum infections related to dental implants benefit greatly from PerioTabs® and reduce the risk of losing their implant, which occurs in 1 in 3 people.”
PerioTabs® is bonyf’s revolutionary at-home tooth and gum brushing solution based on a non-antibiotic plaque removal formula, NitrAdine®. It is the only oral care product on the market that disinfects the toothbrush daily when used during the 10-day treatment period, preventing cross-contamination and eliminating bacteria before they can spread through the body.


bonyf’s strengths

  • Products with patented formulations
  • Produced in Switzerland compliant with stringent international quality regulations
  • Proven clinical efficacy
  • Commercial presence in 36 countries
  • Prospects for solid growth and rapid profitability
  • A fast-growing oral and dental care market


About bonyf

Incorporated in 1979, bonyf specialises in the development, production and selling of cutting-edge oral & dental care products. Through its unwavering commitment to innovation and continuous improvement, bonyf makes a real difference to people suffering from dental and oral conditions. The Company has its R&D facilities in Liechtenstein (in the reputable “Dental Valley”), a production plant in Switzerland and distributes its product range in 36 countries worldwide. Benefiting from seven patent protected formulations and products developed in-house, bonyf expects strong future development, driven by the fast-growing oral and dental care market


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