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New preliminary studies are further proving PerioTabs® efficacy

New preliminary studies are further proving PerioTabs® efficacy

VADUZ, Liechtenstein, 1 March 2022 – Researchers at the University of Zurich, Switzerland, have evaluated the prophylactic and therapeutic efficacy of PerioTabs®. PerioTabs®, bonyf’s home-care gum and teeth brushing solution, removes bio-film from teeth and gums without use of chlorhexidine. PerioTabs® is based on the company’s patented non-antibiotic biofilm removal formulation, NitrAdine®.

In the preliminary study, 4 patients suffering from periodontal disease underwent split-mouth scaling. 2 patients were instructed to brush their teeth and gums with PerioTabs® brushing solution, and 2 patients were given the placebo-based brushing treatment. Both patient groups carried out treatment for 10 consecutive days. All 4 patients undertook a full mouth scaling the following day. Parameters, including gingival index and probing depth were reported, on day 0, day 11 (one day after the 10 day brushing solution treatments) and day 40.

Results indicated that bleeding reduction was higher for those patients using PerioTabs® than for those patients who undertook the placebo treatment (in both therapeutic and prophylactic interventions). Based on these promising preliminary findings, a large-scale multi-center trial will commence to further affirm the promising initial results offered by PerioTabs® for use in periodontal therapy.

Periodontal inflammation is a significant health problem which affects many people worldwide. Dental plaque-induced gingivitis is the first stage in the development of periodontitis. It is therefore important to effectively treat any existing signs of gingivitis in its early stages to prevent development of periodontitis.

The study was published in Applied Sciences, February, 2022.

For more details:

A copy of the full publication is available on request.